The customers(characters)

PT-BR aqui.

EDIT: The original text is in Swedish, but I translated with help of Icyton (thanks Icyton, for the spellchecking!) 
Roland Zephyr
Good fighter pilots must stay in good shape and eat properly. Roland has gone out to shop, and then he has to use all his skills. This guy has a bit of everything: strength, speed and good control on the cart.

Susanne Scepter
The photo model Susanne Scepter has invited her friends home for a party. Food and drink will be served  and everything must be bought in advance. Susanne is a smooth girl who quickly gets around the store, but it's not very difficult to get the cart off her hands.
Enoch Crypt

Enoch will monitor the secret hideout of Dr. Dunkel for several weeks and will not be able to go out and buy food. Everything has to be bought before that. Ingenious, Enoch is quick as a weasel, but since he is lightweight, it's best to stay out of the way of the big guys.
Agata Von Girdle
There will be a grand ball at the mansion and all the servants have caught the flu. The Countess has to get out and shop for the big dinner for two hundred guests. She is not the fastest but knows how to manage a cart in the turns.
Hector Quota
Hector has got a job at a large investment firm. His first task will be a complete analysis of a startup in the hat industry. Hector has to work continuously for a week, so he has to stock food. He has nimble feet, but isn't strong.
Hugo Spandex
Hugo has managed to invite Susanne Scepter to a romantic dinner. Everything is planned in detail so the evening will be perfect, and that includes the grocery shopping, of course. He is a little slow in the corners, but in the straights, he can reach top speed.
Bart Benchpress
Bart has to shop often because he eats a lot. Soon it's time for the Stomach-pumpers body building contest and then Bart is going to be in top shape. It's not easy to get speed with this heavyweight, but on the mano-a-mano (cart-to-cart) he knocks most people.
Clara Flash
Clara's son Otto is turning one year and there is much to be done before the big birthday party. When mom runs around in the store, Otto gets to be on her back. Clara controls the cart skillfully and it is not easy to beat it out of her hands.
Charlie Gulp
Charlie and the divers club the Sea Floor Fishermen is going on a top secret expedition. They have gotten their hands on a map that marks the location of the wreck of the MS Graustein. Now they need food for the whole expedition. He turns a bit clumsy with the flippers but he's fast when going straight forward.
Carly Comet

The space shuttle Nebulosa IV is going to fly 7 times around Mars and photograph weird rocks. Carly is going to maneuver. Too bad, she has forgot to buy supplies for the mission. But Carly is good at maneuvering both shopping carts and space shuttles.

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